
Benefiting in accordance with Justice and Equity

The patient has the right to benefit from health services in accordance with their needs, including activities to promote healthy living and preventive health services within the framework of the principles of justice and equity. This right includes the obligations of all institutions and organizations providing health services and the personnel involved in health services to provide services in accordance with the principles of justice and equity.

Request Information

The patient may request information on how to benefit from health services. This right includes the right to learn which health institution can be benefited under which conditions, what all kinds of services and opportunities are provided by health institutions and organizations, and the right to learn about the procedure to benefit from the health services provided in the institution applied for.

Information about the services provided is made by the counseling, welcoming units, patient rights unit and other units applied for. In addition, patients are informed via the website, brochure, patient information guide, boards and posters. The patient can request all information about his health status verbally or in writing. Current or past audit results from written records can be requested from the data processing unit of the unit where the audit was conducted. Current inpatient records are given to the patient or his companion during routine discharge procedures as epicrisis. Inpatient history records can be given to the patient from the data processing unit or to the person whom the patient reports as a relative in the record. In order to share information with third parties, it must be requested by official institutions. Since inpatient records before 2016 are in the form of printed files, they are requested from the archive according to the archive procedure.

During the hospitalization, the patient's general health status and disease-specific information are provided by the patient's physician only to the patient himself and his companion during daily visits. Visits take place in the presence of clinical nurses. If the patient requests, information can only be given to him/her. In double rooms, if there is a private situation that the other patient and their relatives should not hear, the information is made in the doctor's room.

Nurses and other health professionals inform the patient verbally before all procedures (injection, examination, etc.) performed on the patient. If necessary, the patient applies to information documents. Relatives of patients hospitalized in the intensive care unit are informed twice a day about patient care and treatment by the physician and nurse.

Relatives of patients in the operating room, delivery room and emergency room receive information about their patients' status from the information screens. On these screens, the last status of the patient, the stage of surgery, the stage of birth and emergency observation, etc. can follow the steps. In outpatient clinics, emergency services and clinics, the issues that the patient should pay attention to (coumadin use, head trauma, etc.) are given to the patient with written information documents. Each information document is also verbally explained to the patient.

Selecting and Changing the Healthcare Institution

Patient; Provided that the procedures and conditions stipulated by the legislation to which it is subject are complied with, he has the right to choose the health institution and institution and to benefit from the health service provided in the health institution he chooses. The patient can change the health institution, provided that it is in accordance with the referral system determined by the legislation. However, it is essential that the patient be informed by the physician about whether changing the institution will endanger life and whether the disease will worsen, and that there should be no medical inconvenience in changing the health institution in terms of life-threatening conditions. Except for emergency cases, those who are affiliated with any social security institution and do not comply with the referral chain stipulated by the legislation, cover the difference in wages themselves.

Right to Application, Complaint and Lawsuit

The patient and those related to the patient have the right to all kinds of applications, complaints and lawsuits within the framework of the legislation in case of violation of the patient's rights. Patients and their relatives can report their complaints, suggestions or satisfaction through Sabim, Cimer, the hospital website, suggestion complaint boxes within the hospital, and the patient rights unit.

Recognizing, Selecting and Changing Personnel

Upon request, the patient is informed about the identities, duties and titles of the doctors and other personnel who will provide or provide health services to the patient. Provided that the procedures determined by the legislation are complied with, the patient has the right to freely choose the personnel who will provide health services to him, to change the doctor who deals with his treatment, and to ask for the consultation of other doctors.

With MHRS applied in outpatient clinics, patients can choose their physicians. They can examine the branches and specialties of physicians on the hospital website. The patient who wants to change his doctor for any reason, except in emergency services and emergencies, applies to the polyclinic secretary or the patient rights unit, if the appropriate conditions are met. This is communicated through the banners and posters hung in the hospital, as well as through the hospital's website. Change of physician during hospitalization takes place with a petition submitted to the chief physician. These records are kept in the head physician.

Requesting Priority

In cases where the health service demand cannot be met on time due to insufficient or limited service opportunities of the health institution, the patient has the right to request that the priority right be determined objectively and based on medical criteria. Provisions of the relevant legislation are applied in determining the order of priority regarding emergency and judicial cases, the elderly and the disabled.

Diagnosis, Treatment and Care According to Medical Requirements

The patient has the right to demand diagnosis, treatment and care in accordance with the requirements of modern medical knowledge and technology. Diagnosis and treatment cannot be made contrary to the principles of medicine and the provisions of the legislation related to medicine.

Prohibition of Intervention Except for Medical Necessities

Without the purpose of diagnosis, treatment or prevention, nothing can be done or requested that may cause death or life-threatening or violate bodily integrity or reduce mental or physical strength.

Euthanasia Ban

Euthanasia is prohibited. The right to life cannot be waived for medical reasons or by any means whatsoever. No one's life can be ended, even if he or someone else demands it.

Medical Care

The staff shows the medical care required by the patient's condition. Even if it is not possible to save the patient's life or preserve his health, it is imperative to try to reduce or relieve his suffering.

Scope of Disclosure

To the patient; Possible causes of the disease and how it will progress, by whom, where, how and how and the estimated duration of the medical intervention, other diagnosis and treatment options and the benefits and risks of these options, possible effects on the patient's health, possible complications, possible benefits in case of rejection. and risks, important features of the drugs to be used, lifestyle suggestions that are critical for health, and how to reach medical help on the same issue when necessary.

Reviewing Records

The patient can examine the file and records containing information about his/her health status, directly or through his/her representative or legal representative, and obtain a copy. These records can only be viewed by those directly involved in the patient's treatment.

Requesting Correction of Records

Patient; may request the completion, disclosure, correction of incomplete, ambiguous and erroneous medical and personal information in their records with health institutions and organizations and making them suitable for their final health and personal situation. This right includes the right to object to reports on the patient's health status and to request a new report on the health status of the same or other institutions and organizations.

Procedure for Providing Information

Information is given as simply as possible, without hesitation and doubt, in a way that the patient can understand in accordance with his social and cultural level. The patient is verbally informed about the medical intervention by the healthcare professional who will perform the medical intervention. In cases where it is obligatory for the healthcare professional who will provide information and medical intervention to be different, information can be provided by another healthcare professional who has the capacity to inform, by explaining this situation to the patient. It is essential to inform the patient himself. In the event that the patient requests someone else to be informed instead of himself, only the persons who are requested to be informed are informed, provided that this request is recorded in writing with the signature of the person. The patient may also request a second opinion from another physician regarding the same complaint about his/her health status. Except for emergencies, information is given by giving the patient a reasonable time. Information is provided in an appropriate environment and by protecting the privacy of the patient. Information on the cost of the procedure to be performed upon the request of the patient is given by the relevant units of the health service provider.

Circumstances where it is not appropriate to give information and precautions should be taken

It is appropriate to hide the diagnosis in cases where there is a possibility that the disease will increase by badly affecting the moral structure of the patient, and the course and outcome of the disease is considered grave. An incurable diagnosis can only be felt or communicated to the patient by a physician and with full caution. If the patient does not have a request to the contrary or the person to be disclosed is not determined in advance, such a diagnosis is notified to the family. 2.16. Prohibition of Giving Information

Except as required by the provisions of the relevant legislation and/or the measures to be taken by the competent authorities; The person may request that he, his relatives or no one be informed about his or her health status. In this case, the person's decision is taken in writing. The patient can change the request not to provide information at any time and request information to be provided.

Respecting Privacy

It is essential that the patient's privacy is respected. The patient can also openly demand that his privacy be protected. All kinds of medical interventions are performed by respecting the privacy of the patient. Respect for privacy and the right to demand it;

Confidentiality of medical evaluations regarding the patient's health status,

Examination, diagnosis, treatment and other procedures that require direct contact with the patient are carried out in an environment of reasonable confidentiality,

Permission to have a relative with him in cases where there is no medical problem,

The absence of people who are not directly related to their treatment during medical intervention,

Unless the nature of the disease requires, the patient's personal and family life should not be interfered with,

It covers keeping the source of health expenditures confidential.

The event of death does not give the right to violate privacy.

If it is necessary to be present during the medical intervention in the health institutions and organizations that are not directly related to the treatment of the patient; the patient's consent is obtained for this before or during the treatment.

In the patient safety procedure, it is explained with the titles of physical privacy, information privacy, cognitive privacy, psychological privacy, and social privacy. Confidentiality can be applied to the patient's information through the judicial authorities. In addition, the patient may request that the access to the information on the system be limited and hidden with a petition to the chief physician.

Not Subjecting to Medical Surgery Without Consent

Except for the exceptions set forth in the law, no one can be subjected to medical surgery without his consent and in a way that is not in accordance with his consent. In cases where delay is inconvenient, this action may be carried out upon the request of the public prosecutor.

Keeping Information Confidential

Information obtained due to the provision of health services cannot be disclosed in any way, except as permitted by law. Even if it is based on the consent of the person, the disclosure of information in cases that result in the complete waiver of personal rights, the transfer of these rights to others or excessive limitation of these rights does not remove the legal responsibility of the person who disclosed them.

Patient Consent and Consent

Patient consent is required for medical interventions. If the patient is small or confined, permission is obtained from his/her parents or guardians. This condition is not sought in cases where the patient is not present or has no parent or guardian or the patient does not have the power to express himself. Even in cases where the consent of the legal representative is sufficient, it is ensured that the patient, who is small or limited, participates in the information process and the decisions to be taken regarding his treatment as much as possible, by listening to the small or limited patient.

In cases where consent is not given by the legal representative, if it is medically necessary to intervene, medical intervention can be made to the patient under custody and guardianship; In accordance with Articles 346 and 487 of the Turkish Civil Code, it is subject to a court decision. The wishes of a patient who is not in a position to explain his request during the medical intervention, regarding the medical intervention, are taken into consideration.

In emergency situations where the patient's consent cannot be obtained, in which there is a life-threatening situation and in which the patient is unconscious, and in the presence of a situation that will cause the patient to lose an organ or become unable to perform its function, medical intervention to the patient is not subject to consent. In this case, the necessary medical intervention is made to the patient and the situation is recorded. However, in this case, if possible, the patient's relative or legal representative; if it is not possible, the patient's relative or legal representative is informed after the medical intervention. However, for medical interventions after the patient's consciousness is regained, consent procedures are applied depending on the patient's proficiency and ability to express.

The post-discharge treatment plan, which includes information such as general health status, medications, control dates, diet, and what to do afterward, is verbally explained to the patient whose inpatient treatment is completed. A copy of the epicrisis containing this treatment plan is then given to the patient.

Refusing and Stopping Treatment

Except for the cases that are legally obligatory, and the responsibility of the negative consequences that may arise, belongs to the patient; The patient has the right to refuse the treatment planned or being applied to him or to ask for it to be stopped. In this case, the consequences of not applying the treatment should be explained to the patient or his legal representatives or relatives and a written document showing this should be obtained. The use of this right cannot be used against the patient when the patient reapplies to the health institution.

Consent Form

Information in the consent form; verbally transferred to the patient and the consent form is signed by the patient or his legal representative. The consent form is signed in two copies and one copy is placed in the patient's file, and the other is given to the patient or his legal representative. In case of emergency medical intervention is not accepted by the patient, this statement is taken as signed, if he refrains from signing, the situation is recorded in the minutes. The consent form is signed by the healthcare professional who provides the information and will perform the medical intervention. The relevant healthcare professional is responsible for the accuracy of the information given. Consent forms are kept in accordance with archive legislation.

Consent for Organ and Tissue Removal

Organs and tissues cannot be taken from people under the age of 18 and who are not able. Removal of organs or tissues for diagnosis, treatment and scientific purposes from those who fulfill these conditions is subject to the written form requirement stipulated in Article 6 of the Law No. 2238 on Removal, Storage and Transplantation of Organs and Tissues. Regarding the removal of organs and tissues from the dead, the provisions of Article 14 of the Law No. 2238 are reserved.

Family Planning Services and Termination of Pregnancy

Medicines and tools other than those determined by the Ministry cannot be used in family planning services, regardless of the consent of the person concerned. Termination of pregnancy is subject to the conditions stipulated by the Law No. 2827 on Population Planning. In cases of sterilization and termination of pregnancy, the consent of the spouse is required if the patient is married with the consent of the patient.

Ensuring Security

While receiving health services, health institutions and organizations have the right to expect and demand to be safe. For this reason, private security services are provided in the hospital, and there is also the hospital police. All areas of the hospital are monitored 24 hours a day, without violating the privacy, and the images are recorded retrospectively. Color codes are applied in the hospital for quick response to security violations. Near-miss patient safety incidents are evaluated with the patient safety committee and the undesirable event reporting system, and improvement studies are carried out.

Fulfilling Religious Obligations and Benefiting from Religious Services

A place of worship is located on the ground floor of the hospital so that patients can fulfill their religious obligations. Apart from that, prayer kits are available in every service. There is also the Bible and the Torah in the patient rights unit for Christian and Jewish patients. Requesting patients are directed to the patient rights unit. Within the scope of end-of-life services, the demands of different religions are met in coordination with religious affairs.

Respect for Human Values

The patient has the right to benefit from health services in accordance with his personality values and in the environment. In order to provide the best service to the patients, all personnel participate in the annual trainings organized by the education unit or taken online. In addition, external trainers are invited if needed. The applications of the patients are recorded by the patient rights unit. Online applications are also stored online. After the evaluation of the patient's application, the decision made for the relevant personnel is given to him both in official writing and verbally.

Keeping visitors and companions

Visitors are accepted for patients hospitalized in the service between 18:00 and 19:00 on weekdays and weekends, within the limits of the legislation and the possibilities of the health facility, with the approval of their physician. No visitors are accepted to Covid measures and palliative units. Intensive care can obtain information about the patient from the doctor. Children are not accepted to inpatient units. Inpatients in the clinic can have 1 companion. A companion is requested from the patient rights unit for patients in need of care who do not have an accompanying person. One of the employees designated as the patient care team is assigned to care for the patient. During the hospitalization of the patient, the needs of the companion are met. The request for a companion outside of working hours is notified to the supervisor.


Rules to be Followed by the Patient

The patient abides by the following rules while receiving health care:

It acts in accordance with the rules and practices of the health institution and organization it applies to, and acts with the awareness of being a part of the diagnosis and treatment team with a participatory approach.

He gives information about his complaints, previous illnesses, treatments and medical interventions, current medications, if any, and his health, as completely and accurately as possible.

He should come to the control at the times determined by the physician and give feedback about the course of his treatment.

Complies with the date and time of the appointment and notifies the relevant place of changes.

Respects the rights of patients, other patients and personnel who are given priority according to the relevant legislation.

It does not act against the personnel verbally and physically.

He/she applies to the patient rights unit when he/she thinks that his/her rights have been violated or has problems.